How to Exclude Words from Google Search?

Naseem Meraj
4 min readMar 31, 2022


The word excludes (“_“) in Google search engine means more specified results you will get. Put a minus sign right after the term that you want to keep out in your research.

E.g., If you are looking for the phrase bass, which refers to a type of musical instrument, it also stands for the fish name; you have to write it bass -fish.

Type your query with suitable keywords and enter the search button for required results. Exclude in Google searches are helpful for the best tracking and refining results in a short period where you can get the vast and accurate information.

If you want to improve your searching skills on Google, You will get intelligent technological tips and ways in this article, which will make you more whizz and skilled.

Exclude the Word

If you are searching for a specific term, you must exclude extra words that you don't want to add for more related phrases. You have to add space with a minus “-” right after the comment you are searching,

e.g. ‘’Best mehndi products _ chemical-free cones.

The minus “-” sign will pull up the proper refinement of the results.


You can add synonyms in your search for relevant and required results. Google will show “other relevant searches’’ to help you out with the better-received data.

Google Stop Words

Google will never show the response for standard terms like ‘How,’ ‘When,’ ‘Where,’ and single-digit, single letters. Such words are called Google stop words.

If you are bound to use these common / stop words, you need to use plus sign “+” or encircle the phrase with the quotation mark “ ‘’.

You must enter the space before the “+” sign. Otherwise, stop words can slow down the search result of Google. E.g., Corona (covid-19) research report +1 of 2021.

Order of Phrases

The word order always affects search results, e.g., “dog chow” or “chow dog.’’ one phrase stands for food second phrase refers to the breed of dogs.

If your word order is in the correct form, you will get valid search results.

Don’t Make Diagonal Research.

You can not find an accurate result if you enter a biased query, e.g., “The average length of the blue whale is 19m”. It would bring up the websites of blue whales with 19m. This query may not be based on truth.

The query should be like “the average length of the blue whale.”

“You would not want to prejudice the jury” Daniel M. Russel. ( google senior research scientist).

Add Colon(:) for Refined Research

You can add a colon (:) sign for more specifications if you seek a specific website.

e.g., “Dynamic Perception Sapphire pro One Plus Slider''Reviews” _Edelkron” here the exclude( “_”) sign couldn't show the desired and specific results. You must put colon (:) to indicate the desired website.

e.g., “Dynamic Perception Sapphire pro:inrul reviews-edelkron.”

If you want to search for medical institutes' websites, just add “site:edu’’ with your query.

Click on the given links.

If you are searching for particular information and your topic is broad. Then you must click the given websites links for the more specified results.

These links will provide you with certain information; You can find the desired results without wasting your time.

Use symbols for searches

You can use words and symbols to make your wanted result more accurate.

E.g., you can put @ sign with a social media name, e.g., @facebook,

@$ for price

# for search #American history

phrase/quote for the exact match “blue sky.”

Search between two numbers 1920..2021

Search for a specific website “site:” e.g.,

Search for a related website put “

Search for Google cached version site “cache:.’’

Combine research you can put “or” e.g., Archaic or dilapidated

Search for sized images set these text images size:width height, size 400x500

Search for the downloadable file

To exclude results in Google search, you can find downloadable files type operators. This is the best source of information in pdf files.

You can use pdf files as transformers into printed textbooks, scholarly articles, and published research papers.


So, when you can exclude results from Google search, you can save your precious time. Get more accurate data and information, by excluding Google searches.

