5 Ways To Discipline Your Puppy

Naseem Meraj
3 min readJan 5, 2022


You want to adopt a puppy. So, learning some dog training starts right from the moment you bring it home. Different breeds of dogs have different ways of learning things. Fine breed dogs start learning right after birth. Some breeds start learning when the puppy opens its eyes or starts to walk.

By and large, all puppies have a very short span of attention. But you can expect them to start learning basic obedience commands like, “sit”, “down”, “go” etc, as young as 4–6 weeks of age.

This article will make your task easy to understand the nature and discipline needs of the puppy.

1. Train for Potty

Potty training can best be done while offering your puppy a priced treat. Whenever you take your puppy out, make sure you have a special treat that’s reserved only for training, like freeze-dried treats.

Always appreciate your puppy for doing potty on the right spot. Give them a tasty mouthful after finishing it.

2. Grooming Tasks

Dogs are always required to be pampered with a variety of handling during their training. It includes nail trims, examination of ears, and basic grooming. While grooming the pup, you must give incentives for treats.

3. Indulgence With Toys

You can use toys as a reinforcer in training. you can teach your dog how to enjoy with toys. Playing with its toys makes him happy, feels him special and civilized.

Playing with toys gives him a good quality of time which stimulates his brain for good activities.

4. Socialization

Socializing your puppy is the cornerstone to ensure that your puppy will become a happy, confident, well-adjusted dog. You can also educate your pup for making friends with other dogs.

Make your pup comfortable in a new environment and people. Make sure that the puppy should be vaccinated and dewormed.

5. Keep It Positive

The negative part of dogs’ training is not bad behaviour on the dog’s part. It is frustration in the dog’s handler. So always keep a cool temperament while training your dog. At one point, we all feel frustrated when we have had all our efforts to train our puppy. You need to upgrade your training, like reinforcement, human timings setting criteria.

Developmental Deadlines

Socialization and training are the foremost concerns when you choose a puppy. The evolution of behaviour and temperament of a dog starts from puppyhood.

The moment your puppy comes home, your puppy will need to meet six crucial developmental deadlines. These deadlines are for your doggys’ education (before searching). Secondly, evaluate the puppy’s progress (before selection). Thirdly, errorless housetraining (before homecoming). Fourthly, socialization with people (by 12 weeks of age). Fifthly, bite inhibition (by 18 weeks of age). Finally, preventing adolescent problems (by five months).


It does not matter what your eventual choices are- resultant failure or success is purely in your own hands. Your good training will entirely reshape your dog’s behaviour and temperament. Your puppy’s habitat needs to be designed so that housetraining is flawless. Each mistake is a potential disaster. Likewise, initial vaccinations, cleanliness, healthy and nutritious diet for puppies are pre-requisites for good training.

